Monday, August 9, 2010

consistency and routine....

I dream of always happens at about this time through the summer. I realize this is not a unique dream. In fact I keep hearing it everywhere around me. Especially from my daughter.

Becca, for those of you that don't know her, has a touch of OCD herself. Just this morning she was going to clean a house for a friend's mom. As her friend Anna got here I walked downstairs to see Becca's "day" spread out in sections down the hallway. She has a long day, the gym, pictures and editing and then hanging out with her friends. So before she packs everything up she has it sorted into categories...clothes, computer, camera etc...

The problem that Becca has is that without some routine and consistency what she wants in her head does not always always happen in reality. Becca thrives on routine. So throughout this summer she has been going in a hundred different directions and coming and going at crazy hours. This has meant basically living out of her car and getting home to drop piles of "stuff" in the floor of her bedroom. This has just about driven my daughter Insane!!...

All of this might explain my statement earlier about her sorting her stuff in the hallway. Like I said, she longs for organization so chaos makes her a nervous wreck. So she looks for order everywhere else. Since organizing her room might mean hours of work it's not strange to find her in my room straightening up. I try to keep my room clean and organized - I make my bed first thing every morning. So there really isn't alot to do. But sometimes I will walk in and find her putting my curling iron away or wiping down the counters in my bathroom..."What are you doing??"..."Cleaning your mess.."...."Oh, Really??"...."What about your mess downstairs..."..."My mess is no fun to clean..."...The kid cracks me up. I think living in the dorms is going to be wonderful for her. She will be limited to things she can take. So that means less piles that can end up on her floor.

Back to my dream of routine...I will miss Becca when she is gone to college and I miss Dustin when he is gone to school. But at least I have a better handle on how much time I have to get things accomplished...although it usually all comes together within the last 45 minutes but deadlines are good for me.

Well, my dream for you today is consistency and routine...

Have a wonderful day friends!!

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