I dream of not wearing glasses...My question is - when did this happen?
I guess it has really become an issue because of the problems with the blurriness due to my surgery. But for the past few years it has been happening slowly. You know the holding a can in the grocery store and trying to read the label. Moving your arm out and in trying to make out those tiny letters. It may of been happening slowly but I am not kidding when I say it seems like on my 40th birthday it made it's claim and is here to stay.
I remember one of the last times I was home my sisters and I were in Target or some place similar looking at "drugstore glasses". You know the ones over by the pharmacy that all basically look the same. Well they may look the same until you start to need them. Because now I find myself checking them out everywhere. I mean if you are going to have to wear them they might as well be stylish right?
And now I truly feel like my father n law when it comes to glasses. He has pairs of glasses EVERYWHERE. In his vehicle, in his office, upstairs and downstairs, but only if he's lucky does he have a pair in his pocket. I know I will be the same way because it seems that I never have a pair where I need them. If I am lying in bed and want to read a book I would have left them in the office. If I need them while I'm cooking I would have left them in the living room while reading a magazine.
Now I REFUSE to be one of those ladies that has a nice jeweled necklace that holds her glasses. Someday if you see me with one just rip it right off of me. Not even kidding. It will be like a mini intervention. You may have to calm me down because I would have made it myself with a group of ladies in a beading class but that right there means that I need help. I want to be the grandma that takes my grandkids white water rafting and repelling. A beaded necklace with my reading glasses attached would only cause problems...
Dustin just walked in and read my blog and he asked me why I don't get bifocals...AHHH - how am I having these conversations...He said if I didn't get bifocals then I was going to be one of those people that keep wearing their reading glasses and look over the tops of them....Oh no!!
About a year ago when I was at the eye doctor I brought all of this up. He said, "how old are you?" I told him that I was almost 40. And he said that I was right on schedule. He said to be thankful for the 40 years my eyes had given me so far. I guess that is the best way to look at it. I had to give my mom the same advice a couple of weeks ago. She called me to tell me she had another stroke and this one had left her blind in one of her eyes. She had just had surgery not long before to get rid of her cataracts and she was so happy. She said she never remembered things being so bright and crisp. And then to loose that so suddenly. It sort of brings things into perspective. We are incredibly made. A true work of art. But even a masterpiece ages even kept in the most pristine and secure place. My body has definitely not been locked away somewhere for safe keeping for the past 40 years. I have lived my life as fully as I have known how. My eyes have seen so many of God's beautiful creations from Oceans to mountains, to the sweet face of a child confined to a wheelchair in an orphanage in the mountains of Jamaica. My eyes have served me well. I realize that what I am going through right now is so completely minor in the scheme of things and just another phase in my life that I will adjust to. But I NEVER want for things to change in my life without fully understanding and appreciating what I had and where I am going next.
Well today I dream for each of you the time to look around and appreciate the gift of sight that God has blessed you with. We are never assured that tomorrow we will have today's gifts. So watch your children run and jump, look into the eyes of someone you love, look up at the clouds and just say thank you to the maker that made it all possible....Have a wonderful day friends...
So very true, thanks! Maybe the next time you come home to Texas me, you and Carla can bead us some glasses holders. Hey, I was just thinking that would be a great business to get into ;0).
OH my I just bought my first pair of over-the-counter glasses this week!!!
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