Sweet Ms A.....hugs and kisses from Aunt Linda and Uncle Rob....<3
I was going through some of my pictures this morning and just kept coming back to this one. This is the daughter of some of our very good friends. This little girl has pretty much wrapped Rob and I around her little finger. I have had so much fun watching the changes that are happening way to fast. Not sure who is more enthralled with her. As much as I adore her Rob is crazy about her...It is so so cute!
I have been around babies my entire life. I believe I am up to 27 neices and nephews. And now I am a Great Aunt several times. I have taught at our Hospital Daycare, watched plenty of children in my own home and of course raised my own. I have always Loved everything about babies. I have been one of those people that just can't take a crying baby. I feel like I NEED to go hold it...LOL...But actually the last few years that need slowly went away. I have been very content with the 2 wonderful children I have and have thrown myself into the world of teenagers.
But lately God has put me in the craziest spot. Everywhere I look - there are pregnant women and families with little kids. I'm not exaggerating - they are EVERYWHERE! For awhile I almost got depressed (I know it may sound crazy). I just was frustrated because it seems like I'm at such a different stage then everyone around me. My daughter is off to College and my son is a Sophomore. I am at the point where I can just pick up and go when I please and do basically whatever I want. Lately I have struggled with the fact that I have very few people that are going through what I am going through and it has felt rather lonely.
But I must say that Ms. Ainsley is beginning to change that. I am loving the smiles she gives and finally the giggles. I had my first chance to get her from her crib the other day and I could have melted. The way she smiled at me and just s t r e t c h e d.......Love It!! I worked in the kitchen while Nichole was upstairs sewing and she was in her high chair next to me just a talkin'. She is such a sweet blessing in our lives.
So I feel like I'm coming to terms with this whole baby thing that is going on in my life. The other day I had a talk with God and I told him I figured there was a purpose in all of this....LOL...So now I am just trying to be in the middle of it.
I'm honestly trying to get through it because I WANT to be there fully for the people that need me. These are my friends and I want my joy to be genuine. I remember those years and I remember how I needed support from people around me. During the years when you kids are small you are so vulnerable. I know I say "oh, just wait it only gets harder the older they get..." That's not all true - it's all hard - just different hard. If God has me in the teenage stage now so I can encourage all my friends that are going through the baby stage I truly want to embrace it.
Today I dream for you the ability to embrace the stage that God has you in but be aware of those around you. Have a beautiful day my friends...especially those with blessings that you allow me to love on and belly's full of new babies for me to hold..thank you for being part of my journey....I love you all so very much!!
Thank you, Linda, for such a beautiful post inspired by-- in part -- our daughter. We are blessed to have you and Rob in our lives and we look forward to sharing Ainsley with you. I am lucky to have an amazing parental resource right at my fingertips any time I need her! Maybe that was God's plan all along...for your family to be there to give a helping hand and heart to our growing family. Thank you Linda, we love you! NMM
im kinda holding back the tears right now - i understand everything that you are saying, not that i am where you are, but i know that my time will be soon, as well. i just told dale this morning that i think it is soo adorable when he pulls in the driveway at night and aerilyn screams, "DADDY'S HOME, DADDY'S HOME, DADDY'S HOME!!!" in her high pitched little girl voice. you can't ever get these moments back and we need to stop and enjoy each and everyone of them, good or bad. soon we will all have empty nests...
Jenny - well while reading your comment I wasn't able to hold back my tears....at the moment I turned around to read this I was in the middle of taping becca's packages to send to college and so I just sobbed. Today has been rough and I really miss her being here....so yes, enjoy every moment....<3
now it will be you screaming, "Becca's home, Becca's home, Becca's home!" :)
i'm sorry that your week has been hard...i've been a bit teary lately too, not sure why...feels like i just need a good cry. i read your blogs and i get teary, but i'm always at work when i read them and people keep coming in and out of my office, so i have to hide my tears...wish we could have hung out tomorrow...
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