B is off to college soon and she has allowed me to share with you one of the biggest dreams she has had for years about this step. On Tuesday she purchased her Very Own...wait for it...wait for it........CLOTHES HANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, you read that right.
I am not kidding when I say she has discussed this for YEEAARRSS!! She has just a little bit of my OCD problem....cough cough...(this is the girl that all she asks is for the whole world to be mowed so she will sleep better..LOL) You see I have all white hangers for all of us but this has bothered her for some time. For one thing white is boring but the biggest thing is that they are all different shades of white....hhmmm...
So the other day she called me from Walmart and said that she had just cashed a baby sitting check and was going to finally buy her hangers. She has looked at them everywhere and could never decide what color or style she wanted...(yep, few people know that hangers have different styles...but evidently they do). Well, a boy from school happened to be walking by while we were on the phone and I heard her asking his opinion. So I told her it was about time she made a decision without me so I let her and her friend do this one solo.
Well, funny thing is I forgot all about it until last night. Everyone else had gone to bed and she says..."So, mom I got my hangers"...SMILE..So I said.."Oookaaay - and...?"..."Well, I got a few more than I had planned...you see I was worried that at somepoint I am going to move out of my dorm and have an apartment and then I am going to get married and have a house. So, I knew that if I didn't get all my hangers at the same time that I would never be able to find this exact shade of blue and they wouldn't all match and that would drive me insane!!"
So, my 18 year old girl that is moving into a dorm that has a closet the size of a shoebox bought 100 hangers!! I did ask her what if she had a bigger family and needed more hangers and she explained that each of the members of her family was going to have their own color of hangers to make putting away laundry easier. Now isn't this the kind of thing that is on every kid's mind as they are ready to leave home and head off to a big city to live for the first time in their life....
I can't tell you how often I say this but....She Cracks Me Up!!!!!!!!
Great post! I love your daughter's OCD behavior!
Hi Linda...I just found your blog, and I look forward to following along your journey. I particularly like this post. I can relate...in one month I will have 2 daughters in college, and we got lucky that they will be at the same school. I know so many of the emotions you are going through now....and my heart is with you. It's so much fun, it is so emotional, it is scary, and yet they are ready for it. And so are you. This post and the more recent ones have made me smile, and so I share that with you now.
Thanks for visiting my photostream on Flickr, or I would not have found your blog....isn't it amazing how threads in the quilt of our lives cross over each other?
melissa (kmel - or treegirl on Flickr)
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